Monday, December 28, 2009

Expert Lurker Seeking Other Online Educators

I love my online networks.  Without them I would not be the educator I am today (and may not even be in education without them).  What's the draw?  Over the past ten years, I have thought long and hard about why I'm drawn to reading what others do or don't like to do in their classrooms.  I began learning through an online network when I was a student at Bread Loaf School of English in the summer of 1999.  Thank you Bread Loaf Teacher Network for teaching me how to interact with a group of professionals online.  Thank you for encouraging me to get my students involved with other students online. Because of BLTN I stayed in the profession.  I had the guts to get my doctorate.  So thank you, thank you very much.

Within the past three to four years, I've become involved in other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.  I read educator's blog posts and have many I follow, even if I don't agree with them philosophically.  I have tried to post on Twitter and my own blog regularly, but am only sporadically successful in posting.  Life has gotten in the way!  And I have been too easily defeated by people I categorize as gatekeepers of the technology within my professional life.  The only people who encourage me to use online networks to grow as an educator are online educators.  Unfortunately I haven't found many of these educators within my school building. 

Am I turning over a new leaf?  I always do after I've had a week or so off to regroup and refresh my mind.  This time, though, I want to find others like me out there.  I know you are there.   Here's another teacher who feels similarly--let's explore together.

1 comment:

  1. To quote a great mind, "Ditto to your thoughts. I agree wholeheartedly."

    I'm not sure that I can add anything new given the great resonation between your ideas and my own about professional/personal development through the Internet, necessary activity for achieving this development, and obstacles to it.

    If I was going to highlight anything I think it would be your point about absolutely needing to read the blogs of everyone regardless of any differences in thinking. Too many claim to be lifelong learners but refuse to recognize the advantages of sampling all material. The opposing view still has a plethora of resources to offer and the opportunity for one to supplement and hone their own thinking.

    Just wanted to let you know I appreciate your comment on my blog, your own blog, and the drive you're demonstrating to further yourself as an educator and learner.

    Also, I would love to ride that Wave with you.
